1 Habit: 100 Habits from the World’s Happiest Achievers

1 Habit: 100 Habits from the World’s Happiest Achievers

Matematika q. (9/14)

[tex]\sf \sqrt{50 + 31} \times 12 = [/tex]
jwb UnU_.​

q. (9/14)

[tex]\sf \sqrt{50 + 31} \times 12 = [/tex]
jwb UnU_.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

√50 + 31 × 12

= √81 × 12

= √9² × 12

= 9^2/2 × 12

= 9 × 12

= 108

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]\sf \sqrt{50 + 31} \times 12[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{81 \times 12} [/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{ {9}^{2} } \times 12[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \sqrt{9 \times 9 } \times 12[/tex]

[tex] \sf = 9 \times 12[/tex]

[tex] \sf = 108[/tex]
