1 Habit: 100 Habits from the World’s Happiest Achievers

1 Habit: 100 Habits from the World’s Happiest Achievers

Matematika Quesss [ Last ]

6!! + 24^2 × 2!

dhlh ;_; bye sy mau mantau TvT​

Quesss [ Last ]

6!! + 24^2 × 2!

dhlh ;_; bye sy mau mantau TvT​

6!! + 24² x 2!

= ( 6 x 4 x 2) + ( 24 x 24) x ( 2 x 1)

= 48 + ( 576 x 2)

= 1.152 + 48

= 1.200

[tex]\huge{ \tt{ \color{ffabab}{T} \color{ffbebc}{h} \color{ffcbc1}{e} \color{fff5ba}{k} \color{ffffd1}{i} \color{bffcc6}{n} \color{dbffd6}{g} \color{ace7ff}{o} \color{c4faf8}{f.m}}}[/tex]

6!! + 24² × 2!

(6 × 4 × 2) + (24 × 24) × (2 × 1)

48 + 576 × 2

48 + 1.152

= 1.200
